
Your stories of more joy, less pain, with our care

Our patients are here to tell you about the positive and lasting changes to their health, through their personal stories, symptom scores, and 5-star reviews.

Kyle: Before and After Rheumission

Living with AS
Autoimmune diagnosis after 4 doctors
HLA-B27 gene for ankylosing spondylitis
Small business owner + body builder


"I saw four doctors over 3 years before I got my diagnosis. I was given the promise of getting better from PT and surgery, because the first three doctors didn't do labs. I was constantly dealing with pain that made it hard to move & the uncertainty of how each day would go."


“Since I started with Rheumission, things have finally started to turn around. Rheumission has given me my life back. The biggest part of that is that I can forget about my AS at times, knowing this team is there for me – that is a huge freedom for me.”

You love us. (The feeling is mutual!)

“If I could give 1,000 stars I would give those to Rheumission. They have changed my life after multiple doctors and medicines didn’t work. They are knowledgeable, organized, compassionate and provide outstanding service that you don’t see in the healthcare industry today. Please don’t wait and give them a try if you have any auto-immune condition. They are also a quarter of the price of any doctor in the marketplace.”

- Cofield

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“I was diagnosed in 2023 from a local rheumatologist with no real support. I recently became a patient of Rheumission. From the first contact, I knew I found the place where I would receive the complete specialized care I am in need of. It being via Zoom was perfect. Since then, facing the future with my disease has been positively restored. Plus, it's covered by my medical insurance!”

- Araseli

Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis

“I am so grateful to be working with the team at Rheumission! The best part is, you are working with a whole team in one place that helps with different areas of your health. Everyone is so kind, supportive, and knowledgeable. They give you the tools personalized for your needs and what fits your life. What you learn and apply really helps you feel better!”

- Ashley

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“Working with the team at Rheumission has given me hope in a really difficult time. I started having bad joint pain in my hands and feet (I’m 33). My PCP said it would be months before I could see a rheumatologist. I found Dr. Yu on ZocDoc and things have only gone UP from there. I did some lab work and started an extremely helpful medicine within the same month of seeing him. I’ve also seen a dietician, lifestyle coach, and psychologist who are all extremely kind and compassionate. You can tell they want the best for you and are super knowledgeable about chronic pain. I’ve felt supported by everyone here the entire time.”

- Kyla

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“This is literally the best care I’ve ever had by any practice, and it is a virtual practice! I’ve had arthritis for about 25 years (post Lyme/constellation of symptoms). Dr. Yu asked me questions that no doc had ever asked me before; after X-rays & bloodwork, he suggested supplements and a new medication that has improved my condition already. This holistic practice has a lifestyle counselor, dietitian, and mental health practitioner, all of whom are covered by my insurance, so I’m basically being treated like a celebrity for a $15 copay. They all talk to each other and collaborate on your care, so they’re not just taking shots in the dark.”

- Gigi

Living with Osteoarthritis

"I have been diagnosed since the early '90’s; treated for pain with the typical protocol: pain medication, hot showers, less stress. It wasn’t till I met Dr. Yu and the team that I finally feel hope! I love the direction and support I receive from each one. The integrative team that I’m working with not only supports me with the medical side, but also mentally, physically and emotionally, and gives me the support I need. I get a bonus in the exercise program that speaks to me from a person who has the same disease and understands it. I’m grateful for a team that works in unison to address every aspect of this disease.”

- Marie

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“I have so much more hope for my progress in my diseases now. I feel like I can look forward to a future with more aspirations and dreams, rather than doom and gloom now. Each of my specialists that I’ve had with Rheumission has been empathetic and positive with everything that I need to do, along with the plans that they have to help me through.”

- Michelle

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“I have felt that each Rheumission practitioner was engaged, knowledgeable, and cared deeply about understanding my history, and were invested in my success in the future. For the first time in a long while, I have a spark of hope that my rheumatological disease can improve.”

- Anne

Living with Psoriatic Arthritis

“This program has lifted a weight off my shoulders and has allowed me to get back to living normal life knowing I have a great team of professionals that have my back. All in all, the Rheumission team has done an amazing job and I look forward to what the future has in store.”

- Kyle

Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis

See the improvements and experiences from our patients  

of Rheumission patients saw positive daily activity improvements & lower pain after 2 months.*
of Rheumission patients who came to us undiagnosed received a diagnosis in <50 days.**
of Rheumission patients rated their provider visit satisfaction at 5 stars (highest rating).***
The initial care plan averages 3 to 6 months to reach your co-created health goals, including low flares and remission.

From the first appointment with your integrative rheumatologist — to the appointments with your lifestyle medicine provider, autoimmune registered dietitian, and autoimmune psychologist — to app messages with your care coordinator, we ensure all your questions are answered, and you feel heard. Together, we co-create a care plan that meets you where you are—and whether you are ready to take on small or big lifestyle changes, you will see improvements that help you live better.

* The daily life and reduced pain percentage was calculated using RAPID3 assessment of physical abilities, pain assessment and personal assessment for patients with at least 60 days as a Rheumission patient.

** The diagnosis percentage was calculated using the number of patients with integrative rheumatology appointments for symptoms but no condition diagnosis. Our provider diagnosed them in 50 days or less, compared to an average of 4 years to diagnosis for autoimmune patients (source:

*** The patient satisfaction survey percentage was calculated using results from the Rheumission post-appointment survey for patients with at least one appointment.