An integrative rheumatology team working together for you and with you to help you live your best life
For people with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and/or sjögren's syndrome
Experience an accessible, team-based integrative rheumatology and lifestyle medicine practice tirelessly devoted to your sustained health improvements. We will work with you over the short- and long-term with a plan for healing.
Your care will be from a coordinated team of 5 autoimmune-experienced providers via frequent 30, 45- and 60-minute telehealth appointments in our virtual clinic.
The team includes: board certified integrative rheumatologist, board certified lifestyle medicine provider, autoimmune dietitian, autoimmune psychologist, and care coordinator.
Plus, symptom tracking, 24/7 provider messaging, and support for movement, meals and mindset habits, all in our easy-to-use app.
Not sure if Rheumission services are covered by your insurance, or want to be self-pay?
The Rheumission way is flexible yet comprehensive, for less pain and more joy.
Experience an accessible, 5-person integrative rheumatology and lifestyle medicine team, who will create a partnership so you can make evidence-based changes to meet your goals. In addition to longer appointments, message providers anytime between appointments to always stay connected and supported. For more information, check out our FAQ page.